Mr AY faced an allegation of Grievous Bodily Harm with intent contrary s18 Offences Against the Person Act 1861. The allegation was made by AY’s brother who claimed that AY had attacked him with a knife during the course of an argument at their parent’s home address.
AY had been represented by a duty solicitor at the police station and was unhappy with the way in which he had been represented, he therefore asked Criminal Defence Barrister Quentin Hunt to represent him on a direct public access basis. Upon instruction Quentin held a detailed conference with AY whereupon he took a full account from his client and formulated a comprehensive action plan as to how the case was to be taken forward.
Over the next few days Quentin and AY worked on putting together a package of evidence that supported his account and undermined the allegations made against him. Quentin was able to present this evidence to the Police together with representations as to why the case did not meet either the evidential or public interests test for prosecution.
Quentin kept in touch with the Police over the intervening period and in due course he received notification from the Police that no further action would be taken against AY. Quentin’s client was naturally delighted.
Quentin Hunt is an expert in dealing with serious assault cases, you can read his analysis of s18 GBH offences here.
If you find yourself accused of a serious criminal offence it is never too early to secure top quality and effective representation. Quentin Hunt is a criminal defence barrister who accepts instructions both through solicitors and directly from members of the public. Quentin has vast experience in pre-charge representation and believes that ‘the best way to win a trial is not to have a trial at all’. If you find yourself in need of assistance in respect of a criminal allegation you may contact Quentin for a free, no obligation conversation about your case.