Leading Criminal Trial Barrister

If you have been accused of a criminal offence you have the right to seek justice by employing the best barrister to present your case. But for the best chance of avoiding conviction you need an exceptional Barrister on your side.

You can now instruct leading criminal barrister Quentin Hunt to handle your criminal offence case directly – rather than having to go through a third party solicitor.

Quentin’s proven track record as a barrister of skill, expertise and determination makes him the ideal choice to fight your corner and ensure that justice is done.

Contact Quentin for a fast, accurate appraisal of your potential crime case.

What sort of case will Quentin accept?

There is no typical case that Quentin deals with. From speeding tickets to multi million pound VAT frauds, from drugs cases to murder charges, Quentin has experience in the full range of criminal offence cases. Described by his peers as ‘a class act’ he is considered the one of the most consistently successful criminal trial and appeals barristers.


When should I seek advice?

There is no stage that is too early or too late to seek legal advice if you consider yourself to be in trouble. In fact, the earlier you get an experienced legal representative on board the more likely you are to avoid mistakes at the beginning of proceedings that can come back to haunt you later if the matter proceeds to litigation.

One of Quentin’s mottos is that ‘the best way to win a trial is not to have a trial at all’ and he is known for the drafting of effective pre-charge representations and the launching of powerful pre-trial legal arguments. His tactical and skilful drafting and presentation of arguments such as disclosure, abuse of process and dismissal applications can often defeat a prosecution case before it even gets to trial.

Quentin is also adept at accepting instructions at a late stage and is often approached to ‘rescue’ cases from ineffective publicly funded representatives.


Does Quentin accept legal aid cases?

Quentin is passionate about committing the necessary time and attention to detail to his cases and purposefully does not take on a huge client base. He is therefore does not accept instruction in Legal Aid or publicly funded cases.


What is the next step for me?

If you need of Quentin’s services please contact him for a no obligation consultation. He will carefully appraise your case before proposing the right way forward for your specific circumstances, always with your welfare at the top of his agenda.
