Not guilty verdict in harassment case

Quentin represented Mrs TL who was before the Croydon Magistrates Court accused of harassment in a neighbour dispute case. There was a long history of cross complaints between the parties in this matter and at a conference prior to the hearing Quentin was able to view the substantial paperwork TL had gathered and was able to advise as to the strength of her defence. Quentin was of the view that the case against TL was weak and at the first appearance at Croydon Magistrates Court Quentin made representations in open Court and to the CPS lawyer who was present at Court. The Court allowed the case to be put back for negotiations to take place. As a result of these negotiations the CPS agreed to drop the case against TL and a Not Guilty Verdict was entered on her behalf. As part of the deal for the case being dropped TL agreed to an order prohibiting her from undertaking acts which she had denied committing in the first place; this order is not a criminal conviction or in any way recordable and lapses after 3 years. A Not Guilty verdict was essential to TL as she works within the legal industry and could not have a conviction recorded against her name. She described the result as ‘Amazing… fantastic’.   If you find yourself accused of harassment or if you are accused of a criminal offence where your livelihood would be damaged by a criminal conviction please contact Quentin for an expert opinion on your case. Quentin is happy to have an initial free no obligation discussion about your matter.