Sentencing success in Dangerous Driving case

Quentin represented KS who pleaded guilty to a count of Dangerous Driving. Mr S was driving his sports car at speed on a singe carriageway A road in Hertfordshire when he overtook a car on a blind corner on a stretch of road with double white lines. Whilst performing the overtake Mr S lost control of his car and hit a car travelling in the other direction containing a family of 4 in front of a number of witnesses. Luckily no-one was seriously injured. When the police arrived other drivers came forward and gave statements to say that Mr S had been driving in a similar manner earlier in the journey with another driver stating that he had been overtaken around an earlier corner on double white lines.

Upon consideration of the case Quentin was able to submit a favourable basis of plea on behalf of Mr S and enter carefully thought out mitigation.The sentencing guidelines suggested that Mr S faced a period of imprisonment for his course of conduct however as a result of effective representation Mr S received only a fine in addition to the obligatory period of disqualification. The court did not impose any sort of custodial sentence or even impose a period of community service.

If you are accused of a Road Traffic Offence and require the finest representation please contact Quentin for a no obligation conversation.