Mr GB was arrested for perverting the course of justice, he had been arrested on an unconnected matter and the police analysed his mobile telephone. In the course of that analysis, they had uncovered evidence that he had reported his licence plates stolen in order to avoid a speeding penalty after being flashed by a speed camera. The police discovered a WhatsApp conversation between him and a friend where he fully admitted the offence, subsequent enquiries showed that he had done exactly what he had planned with his friend.
GB was summonsed to Court faced with 2 charges of Perverting the Course of Justice. GB sought legal representation in the matter and chose to instruct Criminal Defence Barrister Quentin Hunt on a direct public access basis.
Upon instruction, Quentin immediately gained the evidence from the prosecution and analysed it, he held a conference with GB where GB’s options were analysed. Upon GB’s instructions and as part of a damage limitation exercise it was decided that GB would plead guilty. This was indicated in the Magistrates Court and the matter was heard for sentence before the Kingston Crown Court.
Before sentence, Quentin worked with GB to produce a highly impressive mitigation package showing GB’s character and demonstrating the terrible impact that would result in his being sent to prison. As a result of putting good mitigation before the Court, GB escaped being sent to prison. The judge at Kingston Crown Court handed down custodial sentence that was suspended, meaning that GB did not have to go to prison. One requirement of the suspended sentence order was the GB complete hours of unpaid work in the community which he was happy to do. GB was very pleased with the result.
Unfortunately for GB, he had now come to the attention of the authorities, and 2 months later he was charged with a benefit fraud allegation. The local authority having discovered that he had claimed over £50,000 in universal credit that he was not entitled to, due to the fact that he owned 2 rental properties that he had not declared when applying for benefit.
GB again instructed Quentin, who worked on him on the case. The evidence was very strong in the case, and GB again took the decision to plead guilty.
The matter came before the Kingston Crown Court again for what was a difficult sentencing exercise. Despite the fact that the new offence put GB in breach of his suspended sentence order Quentin was determined to argue that GB should not be sent to prison. He made forceful submissions to the Court that the appropriate sentence would be a further suspended period of imprisonment. The Court agreed with Quentin, and the judge handed down a further suspended sentence order with a requirement that GB undertake more unpaid work hours.
GB was again delighted with the result, as a man with a young family he was very worried about going to prison and was very relived to have escaped such a sentence on two occasions.
Quentin Hunt is an award winning criminal defence barrister who has substantial experience in undertaking difficult cases and tricky sentencing exercises. If you face the prospect of going to prison or are concerned about doing so, you can contact Quentin for a no obligation, confidential conversation about how he may be able to assist in your case. Quentin accepts instruction both through solicitors and directly from members of the public.