Quentin achieves acquittal for Dentist in Stalking case.

Quentin achieves acquittal for Dentist in Stalking case.

  Mr ZS was accused of stalking, contrary to section 2A of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. Mr ZS had met the complainant, a fellow dental professional, at a Dental Conference and had considered that he might wish to start a relationship with her. He pursued a course of conduct whereby he tried to gain her attention and secure a relationship with her. Due to certain cultural differences, Mr ZS was under the impression that an element of persistence would be welcomed as evidence of his commitment to the proposed relationship. This was not the case. The complainant went to the police alleging that ZS was stalking her.   This matter was especially sensitive for ZS as the case had been referred to the General Dental Council, his professional regulator. He had been advised that any conviction may have a serious detrimental effect on his career and could even lead to him losing his livelihood.    ZS instructed solicitors to act on his behalf and the matter was set down for trial. Prior to the trial date ZS felt that his representatives were not fully pursuing the case on his behalf, and instructed Quentin Hunt, a direct access criminal barrister, to act in his case.   Although he was instructed late in the day, Quentin built on the work done by precious representatives. He immediately contacted the CPS seeking disclosure of materials that would assist the defence at trial. Upon receipt of these materials Quentin worked with ZS to produce a defence evidential pack to be produced at trial that would assist in demonstrating his client’s innocence.   On the day of trial Quentin set about negotiating with the prosecutor prior to the case commencing. Quentin had discovered a mistake made by the prosecution in their charge of the case that meant that a lot of the evidence that they sought to rely upon was inadmissible. He therefore made representations to the prosecutor that the evidence in the case was not strong and that there was little public interest in the continuance of the case. He attempted to persuade the prosecutor that the case could be dealt with by way of a non-conviction restraining order.   Quentin’s representations were effective. The prosecution agreed to drop their case against ZS on the basis that a non-conviction restraining order was made. At Court a restraining order was put in place and the Prosecution formally offered no evidence in the case. This meant that a Not Guilty verdict was entered against ZS and he was formally acquitted of all charges. Quentin’s client was delighted, not least because of positive effect this would have on any professional disciplinary investigation.   Quentin Hunt is a Criminal Defence Barrister who specialises in the defence of professional individuals who have a lot to lose should they be convicted of a criminal offence. Quentin understands the difficulties that such cases entail and the tactical nuances that must be considered in order to try to get the best possible result in any case. If you are accused of a criminal offence and wish to avail yourself of specialist Criminal Defence representation you may contact Quentin for a free, confidential, no obligation conversation about your case.