Quentin ensures no further action taken against client in rape and assault allegations

Quentin ensures no further action taken against client in rape and assault allegations

  Mr PV was under investigation by Police in respect of allegations of rape Contrary to section 1 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 and assault occasioning ABH contrary to section 47 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 made by a work colleague. PV’s case was that the allegations were malicious and entirely untrue, and he instructed specialist Criminal Defence Barrister Quentin Hunt to assist him. Quentin was instructed on a Direct Public Access basis.     Upon instruction, Quentin held a conference with the client in which he took the client’s detailed instructions on every facet of the case and the evidence. Quentin was tasked with liaising with the Police and the Human Resources department of his client’s workplace, where the allegation was said to have taken place.   Quentin undertook detailed liaison with both the Police and the client’s employers to make sure that his interests were properly represented. This was particularly sensitive as his employers were attempting to undertake their own ‘investigation’ as to the circumstances of the complaint in parallel with the Police investigation. Quentin acted diligently and effectively on behalf of this client to ensure that his client’s interests were properly protected.   Following a short period of investigation, Quentin was notified that no further action was being taken against his client. The investigation was then formally closed, and Quentin’s client was released from the terms of his bail and he was free to resume his employment without disciplinary sanction; he was then free to carry on his life in the knowledge that this matter is closed.   If you are under investigation for a criminal offence it is never too early to secure experienced and effective representation. Quentin Hunt is a Criminal Barrister of over two decades experience who is adept at representing clients at the pre-charge phase. Quentin is used to liaising with the Police and employers and is often able to ensure that proceedings are discontinued without ever having come to Court. If you find yourself under investigation or facing criminal prosecution you can contact Quentin for a free, no obligation discussion about your case.