Quentin Hunt ensures that no further action is taken against his clients in large scale fraud allegation.
Criminal Barrister Quentin Hunt examines how applications can be made for the return of property seized by the Police.
Barrister Quentin Hunt examines criminal liability relating to false and misleading statements made by Company Directors.
BBW Ltd are Jewellers who operate a large-scale business purchasing and selling high value wrist watches. Without warning or notice, they were informed that their bank had frozen their business account.
Quentin Hunt, achieves the timely discharge of a Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 account freezing order put in place by the MHRA over a Company's bank account.
Quentin Successfully resists Account Freezing Order application by West Midlands Police on behalf of High Net Worth foreign nationals.
Quentin Hunt was instructed to represent a couple in respect of fraud allegations. Following a long history of engagement by Quentin and negotiations and representations the case ended when the Crown Prosecution Service discontinued the case and Not Guilty verdicts entered against both defendants.
Quentin Hunts secures large reduction in sentence in Insolvency Service prosecution after successful appeal.
Following Quentin’s provision of legal analysis in the ground-breaking Channel 4 Documentary – ‘Diana- the truth behind the interview’ there has been a groundswell of press and public interest in the allegations that Martin Bashir, a BBC journalist used forged documents to secure his famous Panorama interview with Princess Diana in 1995. As a result of significant public interest in this matter, Quentin has been interviewed by a number of national press publications for comment,
Leading Criminal Barrister Quentin Hunt looks at the 'elements' of the offence of Fraud by False representation under the Fraud Act 2006.
Quentin Hunt, a criminal defence Barrister who specialises in defending trading standards prosecutions, answers commonly asked questions about Trading Standards prosecutions.
Criminal Barrister Quentin Hunt examines the offence of False Accounting contrary to section 17 of the Theft Act 1968